Friday, September 30, 2011

In and Out of Wonderland

After Mrs. Mitty came out of the drugstore, they climbed into their automobile, Walter fastened his seat belt, turned on the windscreen wipers and carefully pulled away from the curb. As they drove out of Waterbury over the Melton Bridge, Walter Mitty, sitting in the passenger seat of their beat up Chevrolet, noticed a beautiful young woman on the side of the bridge screaming at the top of her lungs. He motioned for his wife to pull over to see what all the fuss was about. Bottom line, something was rubbing him the wrong way. Where the woman was standing, the guard rails were smashed, leaving a huge gap. "Heaven help us" the woman said. "My husband, he's driven our car into the lake!" Walter Mitty found it hard to swallow. "W-what?" said Walter Mitty. "For crying out loud!" "Just help me" said the woman. Walter Mitty, deciding to bite the bullet went off and running towards the hill that lead down to the lake where the car was.

Running like there was no tomorrow, Walter Mitty reached the bottom of the lake in seconds. He jumped in with both feet and swam as fast as he could to the nearly submerged vehicle. Diving under, he searched for car door handle. Finding it, he felt around for the window. As his fingers slid across the glassy surface he backed up, and kicked with his feet. Feeling the glass shatter beneath his feet, he entered the car and saw the woman's husband. Feeling sick as a dog, from the sight, Walter decided to surface for air.

Time was running out he needed to get the man out, but didn't want to come up empty handed and let that poor woman down. He dove down once more and went straight into the car. He reached the man and unbuckled his seat belt. He wrapped his arms around the man and pulled. He

Friday, September 23, 2011

Keep Me or Kill Me

Alex Kanke
114 McPherson Crescent
v2a 2n8

Captain Vancamp


HMS Princess Margaret

Its has been an honour serving with you, and I know that you must be going through a great deal right now with having to rid 15 of your crew members. It is a very difficult decision, and I wish that you wouldn't have to do such a thing. It is very unfortunate that we have come to this, but you need to know that I'm important. That keeping me around will bring benefits down the road. Let me just say, that each and everyone of the crew members are important and deserve to live, but me, I need to. As you know I carry around the disease of diabetes with me. I have for 12 years now. It's difficult, and hard to control sometimes, and I often don't do a very good job of it. You'd think that it would be fairly easy to control too right? No. It's not. It may be easy for some people, but for others such as myself, it's like mission impossible. I constantly have to check my blood sugars, and watch what I eat and so many other things. I want desperately to have control and live a healthy life, but even when I put in my best effort it's just never enough.

Now, when I'm feeling upset or angry at myself for not taking care of my body, I also think about all of the other kids all over the world that are feeling the same emotions that I am. It makes me want to speak to them, to reach out to them and tell them that it will all be all right. That we can work together, get better, feel better and live better.

Something I would like to accomplish in the future is helping kids and teens handle the burden of diabetes. I want to help them take better care of themselves and warn them of the dangers of what will happen if they do not. Now I know that its all up to you whether I live or not, but please think of the kids out there. Hell think of me. I can help. So let me.


Alex Kanke

Thursday, September 8, 2011

fly forward, or fall back


Fly forward 50 years from now, and enter a world of complete and utter distortion. Say goodbye to the continents of the 21st century, and introduce yourself to the 8 mazes that now make up the planet that is no longer called Earth, but The Spine. Here you will find yourself fighting to survive, and constantly on the hunt for food. You may find yourself alone when you wake up, or you may be accompanied by others. Either way you must find the solution to the maze. Do so, and find yourself back home in one piece, fail and find yourself stuck in the maze forever, left to the creatures that live deep in the heart of the maze.

Her eyes flutter open, and shes surrounded by cold darkness, and stale dusty air. She gropes around for anything familiar but there is nothing. Nothing but the four walls, dented and rusting. She places her bruised, bloody hands on the cool metal and pushes. Nothing. Nothing but the sounds of metal scraping against metal. Then she notices a stream of light, though its not warm or yellow like the sun. Its a dark red, the color that runs through the veins of humans, helping power the heart that hides beneath the cage of ribs, beating. Slowly that sliver of light becomes bigger and bigger, revealing a light that shines down on her bruised face. As she stands, she notices she is surrounded by huge green walls, with vines thick as tires on trucks. She steps out into the open area, scanning for signs of any other human life. Only after seconds of stepping out of the rusty metal box does she realize how cold she is. Her teeth are chattering as loud as fingers running across a keyboard, and she can see her breath in front of her, like smoke billowing up from around a crackling camp fire. She is frozen in place, wearing only a small t-shirt, stained with old, dry blood and dirt, and a pair of jeans with giant rips in the knees. Her hair, normally blond, is covered in dirt, as if she were buried underground, and she has broken twigs, and leaves sticking out from all directions. She can smell smoke, hear murmurs, but which direction is it coming from? Its like she has stopped in the middle of an intersection. She decides to follow her nose and go in the direction she thinks the smoke is coming from. As she walks she drags her hand along the ginormous forest green walls towering over her. The walls are surprisingly warm, and have a slightly rough surface, like dry old leaves you would find in a book after a long time of being preserved.
As she walks farther and farther away from the metal box, she can feel uncertainty creep up on her, can taste the blood in her mouth from biting the insides of her cheeks out of fear. Though as she walks she notices small huts coming into view, getting closer and closer with each step. She is able to see inside the small windows of the huts, but all they contain are furniture. She decides to keep walking, and as she does the sound of murmurs is back again. Its not loud, more the volume of a tv turned down low.
Continuing on, the maze suddenly takes a sharp left turn, bringing on the smell of smoke. Though this time its strong, entering her nose like a cologne thats been sprayed on to thick.
As she comes to the end of the stretch, she can see a small campfire just 20 feet from her, and just beyond that, and line of trees. Though inside the trees is something she didn't expect to see, something she thought she would never come in contact with again.