Monday, May 27, 2013

Tyrion Lannister, we do here invite you to our house this evening

Tywin Lannister, Lord of Casterly Rock and Warden of the West, and now until recently, Hand of the King. His son Jaime called "the king slayer" is heir to Casterly Rock and a twin to Queen Cersei, who was wife and Queen to the previous king, Robert Baratheon. However due to his recent passing the Iron throne has now passed to their eldest child, Joffrey Baratheon. Finally belonging to the house of Lannister, Tyrion. Brother to both Cersei and Jaime, who on his way into the world killed their mother during birth. Tyrion was born and Imp. Small he is with crooked legs who pain him when he walks. However he is smart. Intelligent and extremely humorous in his own inappropriate way. Names are thrown his way constantly but they never truly get under his skin. He learned to embrace what he was and use it in a way that benefited him. Game of Thrones is a family event that happens every Sunday at 8:00 in my house. We eat dinner, and set up to watch. It’s a sort of bonding time and something my whole family enjoys. Now we all have our favorite characters of course, but we all also have a special place in out heart for Tyrion Lannister. We feel the weight on his shoulders when his father causes him grief and I think if we were to invite anyone out of all the 10 main characters to our house, we would invite him. Not because we pity him, but because he has this fire in his heart that blazes every now and again. The littlest of things can ignite the fire and you find yourself engulfed in the character that is Tyrion Lannister.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Sharks and Trunks

Blood pumping, pounding, racing through her veins like a driver on a race track who has lost control. Lost and scared. She is alone in the woods. It is opaque and cold. She tries to find her way home but each way she goes looks the same. The trees are twins, triplets, and she is trapped in her worst nightmare, only it is reality. Two hours goese by and she is still lost. Her and her friends had decided to take a hiking trip in search of a "missing" waterfall. Rumor was that the waterfall was untraceable and had only been discovered once. It was also said that the waterfall was so high up, that the water looked as if it was pouring out of the sky like a tap. Maggie had turned around for a second and her friends had vanished. Gone. In a split second they had disappeared into thin air. Now it was just her, and her thoughts eating away at her. Running and running she begins to grow tired. Her limbs scream at her to stop but she can't do it. Maggie coudldn't stand still in this forest for another second. There were stories of these woods and what lived inside them, and she couldn't remain to find out if they were true or not. Forcing herself to go on she pushes herself, hard. Heart pounding inside its cavity, lungs working overtime, legs screaming. On and on she goes until she just can't run anymore. Coming to an abrupt stop she keels over in the dirt and lays still. Heaving, she tries to get as much air as her burning lungs can hold. She digs her fingers into the cool dirt and begins to cry. Hot tears pour furiously from her ducts and once she starts she can't stop. Not for a long time. An hour past and the tears stopped. Sitting up she knew she had to move forward. Gathering all that was left of her, she stood up and walked back the way she came when she heard it. CRACK . It sounded as if a tree trunk had been broken. The noise sounded rather close, maybe 50 ft away. Squinting she tried to see what was in front of her, though her vision was clouded. Fog surrounded the trees making it impossible to see even five feet in front of her. Taking a step forwards she listens hard, and tries her best to focus her eyes. Slowly she begins to walk, and suddenly a dark figure is there before her. Frozen she stands. Losing all control of her actions she remains there, stuck. Not even realizing, she takes a step back. Then another. Soon enough she is flat out running, as fast as her chicken legs can carry her. Too scared to look back she pushes on, until she notices her path is blocked. Its her truck. Relieved, she fishes into her pocket in search of her keys. Finding them she yanks them out of her pocket so fast she may as well be flash the superhero. Quickly she races to the door of her truck and forces the key in the lock, and as she does so she happens to take a quick glance in the window of the truck. In the reflection she can see perfectly what was chasing her. Blood thirsty eyes stare hungrily back at her. Huge and grey it floats there, tail viciously swishing back and forth. Before she can even scream the great white shark opens its mouth full of teeth and takes an appetizingly huge bite, spraying a stream of blood on the window of the truck as it does so. Guess the stories were true after all.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Regeneration Possibility

As a child your parents would always warn you to be careful, and never to talk to strangers. They said these things so that when you returned home to them, you were safe and unharmed. Well what if one never had to worry about that? What if you could live your life without any fears or any possibilities of fatalities. Regeneration is the answer, or the power. Out of all the super human abilities to choose from, regeneration would be my choice. Now of course flying, and mind reading are amazing just like all the other powers that we can choose from are, but there's about regeneration that goes above all the other possible superpowers. Its the feeling that you could live life without any worries. Injuries happen to us and our lives hang in the balance, but having regeneration under our wings erases all pain we would have to endure when losing loved ones. We could live on the edge, take risks and do anything without worrying what the consequences may be. Hell we could jump off Lions Gate Bridge, or we could skydive without parachutes. Nothing could stand in our way and stop us from doing what we want. Including the fact of being able to witness our bones and ligaments reattach themselves again would be truly extraordinary.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Letter To Santa

New York
V2A 234

December 13th 2011

Dear Santa,
you've probably been checking up on me, so im sure you know that i've been very kind this year. I haven't done too much this year. I've just been hanging out with my bestfriend a lot and relaxing at home. I will let you know that i don't want much for christmas this year. To be honest there's only one thing that i truely want .. and maybe one other little thing, but thats it i swear!

Basically i'd really enjoy taking a trip somewhere. I've never really been out of the Okanagan and i'd love to go somewhere. Paris would be cool, or maybe California because of all the great weather. I would really enjoy that. Also i have always enjoyed swimming so maybe you could get me a pair of goggles.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Dead Poet Society

Do you let people tell you how to live your life? Or do you tell them how you're going to live it? The movie Dead Poet Society discusses a number of themes and lessons that Mr Keating is trying to teach the boys.

Neil Perry, a senior student has always done what his father has told him to do and never questioned it. His father has his own idea for Neils future and is set on it. Though Neil wants nothing to do with it, but he is not able to stand up to his father and tell him how he really feels. Mr Keating tries to speak to Neil about telling his father the truth but Neil takes a different approach. He makes the decision to take the easy way out, and takes his own life. However, if Neil had listened to Mr.Keating's advice things possibly could have turned out differently.

Furthermore, we meet Knox Overstreet. A boy hopelessly in love with Chris, a girl who attends a public school in town. Unfortunately for Knox, Chris has a boyfriend making her unavailable. Though this doesn't stop Knox from feeling the way he does. A phrase from Mr.Keating "Carpe Diem" meaning seize the day, helps Knox get over his fear of rejection. He is able to tell Chris how he feels about her, which in the end gets him the girl.

Finally we meet Todd Anderson. A socially awkward boy who is afraid of expressing his feelings. When in class one day, Mr Keating assigns the boys a job of writing a poem of their own creation and explains that they must present to the class the next day. For Todd this is social suicide. He becomes very stressed and anxious for the presentation. When Todd's turn comes he tells Mr Keating that he has nothing prepared for the class, so Mr Keating being the supportive man that he is, takes things into his own hands. He forces Todd to the front of the class and tells him to close his eyes. He helps Todd to speak a poem and helps him build up the courage to do it alone. He is able to get over his fear and has the courage to do things that he couldn't before.

All in all, these boys all had problems that they couldn't face, and with the help of Mr Keating they were able to rid themselves of these problems and were built up with courage and a high self eteem.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Aging By Michelle Disser

"Aging" by Michelle Disser explains how age can define us, and can quickly come upon

us whether we like it or not. Disser says that "age is like a panther stalking

[us]". It is with us every second of every day, and is always happening. It's like

when kids say they can't wait to grow up. At "first [they] consider [themselves]

lucky to see the large cat", and they are excited to be growing up and becoming an

adult. But then "it starts coming to quickly" and they resent the fact that they

wanted to grow up so fast. They are now staring into the mirror at something they

weren't ready for. They "wish it to stop, to retreat", but there is nothing they can

do about it, because it's the cirlce of life. They have birthdays, They get older

and when "it pounces" we have no choice but to let it be.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Artlover is Saved

Alex Kanke
114 Mcpherson Crescent
Penticton, B.C.
V2A 2n8

November 10th, 2011

Constable Pierre Catchacrook
Chief of Police
123 Crime Road Paris, France

If i have to make a life or death decision, i would take the initiative and save Ada Artlover. Now i know that you are probably thinking "why?". I'll tell you why. I would save her, because she is a living part of this planet. She is something that breathes and moves. The Mona Lisa is just a painting that could easily be redone. I know that it is a part of history and everything, but it just doesn't cut it. The Mona Lisa is nothing special, it never made a special impact on the world and never made a difference in anyone's lives. Lets change the story. You are now Ada Artlover, and someone has to either pick you, or the painting. Obviously you would want that person to choose to save you from the burning fire, wouldn't you? I know you would want that. Every single person would want to be saved. They would want to be saved so they can have the chance to see their families, and their loved ones. That's something that Ada Artlover wants. The creation of a painting takes a mere amount of time, and is basically priceless, but the creation of a human life, is more than anyone person can afford. Long live Ada.