Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Letter To Santa

New York
V2A 234

December 13th 2011

Dear Santa,
you've probably been checking up on me, so im sure you know that i've been very kind this year. I haven't done too much this year. I've just been hanging out with my bestfriend a lot and relaxing at home. I will let you know that i don't want much for christmas this year. To be honest there's only one thing that i truely want .. and maybe one other little thing, but thats it i swear!

Basically i'd really enjoy taking a trip somewhere. I've never really been out of the Okanagan and i'd love to go somewhere. Paris would be cool, or maybe California because of all the great weather. I would really enjoy that. Also i have always enjoyed swimming so maybe you could get me a pair of goggles.

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